Policy & Procedures
Circulation/Library card policy
Books and sound recordings circulated from the Edinburgh Wright-Hageman Public Library will for a period of 2 weeks. A maximum of ten books may be enforced.
Magazines circulated from the Edinburgh Wright-Hageman Public Library will be for a period of 2 weeks. A maximum of 10 magazines may be enforced
Movies circulated from the Edinburgh Wright-Hageman Public Library will be for a period of 2 days if checked out Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, or Saturday. Any movie checked out on Friday will be due the following Monday. There is a maximum of 2 movies at any one time.
All items must physically be in the building, or in the drop boxes, by closing the day they are due.
A fine of .10 for books and magazines will be assessed for each business day the items are overdue. A maximum fine of $3.00 will per item will be charged for books, sound recordings, or magazines overdue for a longer period of time over the maximum fine cost.
A fine of $2.00 per business will be assessed for each movie overdue, with a maximum fine of $10.00 for movies overdue for a longer period of time over the maximum fine cost.
A patron with lost, or damaged, materials may be charged full library purchase price for each item.
Movies can only be circulated to patrons who hold an adult library card and have a valid Audio Visual agreement on file.
With the above exception materials can be circulated to any patron who has a card in good standing.
A child must be kindergarten age or be a storytime participant to receive a library card. Any child under the age of 14 must have a parent/guardian signature prior to a card being issued along with proof of residency Adults requesting a card must also have proof of residency before being issued a library card. Residency must be within the Edinburgh city limits, or within a library district that has either a reciprocal borrowing agreement with the Edinburgh Wright-Hageman Public Library, or is a part of the statewide library local agreement. Any student of the Edinburgh Community School Corporation, not in the Edinburgh Wright-Hageman Public Library district, will be allowed a library card.
Public Library Access Cards (PLAC) can be purchase at an annual price set by the Indiana State Library. A PLAC card is a statewide reciprocal card. They are available to patrons who wish to use libraries participating in the PLAC program throughout the state. Cards are valid for one year.
Non-resident cards may be purchased by those individuals who live outside the library district and not within a reciprocal borrowing district or local agreement district. Non-resident cards are for one year and the price is set annually by the library board of trustees, based on the per capita expenditures in accordance with State Library laws.
Inter-library loans may be requested for items that are not owned by the EWHPL. A patron must be in good standing with the library and complete the inter-library request form. If requested materials are not available through a library participating within the Indiana Share program, fees to cover return postage of materials will be assessed.
Adopted 12/19/2012
Edinburgh Wright-Hageman Public Library
Internet/Computer Usage Policy
Computer use patrons must have a signed Internet agreement on file.
All users must sign in at the circulation desk and use the computer assigned to them
Time Limits: 30 minute time limit, and 3 sign ins per day may be enforced. At any time a computer is left unattended for five (5) minutes or more the computer may be assigned to another patron.
Assistance in using computers: The library staff does not provide technical help or troubleshooting. Library staff may provide limited assistance in locating information or searching.
Printing: The user is responsible for all pages printed. Printing Internet pages is unreliable and unpredictable. The library is not responsible for user mistakes. Users are encouraged to use “Print Preview” and/or to copy and paste into a Word document to minimize printing costs. A fee will be charged for all copies. Color copies are available upon request.
Downloads, or user files, must be saved to a user-owned storage device.
Wireless access: The library provides wireless access to the Internet for users who bring their own Internet-accessible devices to the library. Wireless users must adhere to the guidelines in the policy for Internet and computer use and will be affected by the library’s filtering system. Due to the wide range of laptop and wireless hardware, library staff will not be available to assist users; users are expected to know how to configure their equipment in order to use the network.
Inappropriate uses include, but are not limited to, disrupting the network systems, unlawful or malicious activity, viewing sexually explicit material, using abusive or objectionable language or images in public or private messages, accessing inappropriate material, or violating copyright laws or allowing others to use your assigned computer.
Patrons who violate this agreement in any of the above mentioned ways may permanently lose their computer privileges. The staff has the right to end an Internet session when the Internet and Computer use Policy is violated. Internet access may be suspended, or revoked, by the library at any time, without prior notice, for violation of the conditions of use set forth in this policy. The library will be the sole arbiter of what constitutes violation of this policy. Loss of computer use privileges will be recorded.
Filtering: In accordance with the Children’s Internet Protection Act the Edinburgh Wright-Hageman Public Library uses a filtering program. Be advised that no filtering software is totally foolproof, and it may occasionally fail to block access to a site an individual may deem as inappropriate. It may also occasionally block access to a site not considered offensive. .The library may provide unfiltered Internet access to persons 18 or older who request it for research or any other lawful purpose.
119 W Main Cross Street
Edinburgh, IN 46124
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Library Hours
Mon – Thurs : 9am - 6pm
Fri : 9am - 6pm
Sat : 9am - 1pm
Sun : Closed
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